The specific properties of IO devices are described by the manufacturer in a GSD(ML) file (General Station Description) in XML format. The file is used by a development environment as the basis for communication between a Profinet IO system.
In practice, the integration of the specific properties into the development environment, for example of a PLC, functions technically without problems. However, the programmer always needs some experience in selecting and implementing the data exchange.
This is even more convenient with the new PROFINET PLC program blocks for the 99spne device series. This provides a selection of ready-made data blocks that can be easily integrated into the system and provide effortless access to the data of the KFM IO devices:
In most cases, the standard module is sufficient for reading up to 2 actual values and writing the bus setpoint including relevant digital information. In addition, there are modules for complete readout as well as for reading digital received values, setting relays and customer-specific modules.
In the download area you can download the following files:
- GSDML-Datei
- Projektarchiv SPS-Datenbausteine