
It was a special pleasure for the KFM team to personally welcome customers, interested parties, visitors and suppliers at the Frankfurt fairgrounds in presence and with a new booth design. Thereby partnerships were cultivated and deepened as well as new impulses were communicated. We would like to thank our great guests for a successful trade fair appearance and are very much looking forward to further visits in the future.

positionserfassung neuer kfm standard k

From now on, the position of our control valves is detected by a contactless, linear position sensor. This works absolutely wear-free.

The mode of operation is based on Hall effect technology, which is also used in the automotive industry.

This proven technology conforms to the EMC / EMI guidelines for the industrial and automotive sectors and is much more customer-friendly in many points of view.

Neuer Sicherheitstemperaturbegrenzer von KFM

The new electronic safety temperature limiter is now available in the product range in a dual-channel and self-monitoring version in accordance with the requirements for extended safety (DIN EN 14597, SIL 2). The safety circuit is switched off in a configurable way when the set limit value is exceeded or not reached and in case of errors (in measuring input or device). Unlocking is only possible manually and only after the fault has been eliminated (STB) or automatically (STW).

profinet sps programmbausteine k

The specific properties of IO devices are described by the manufacturer in a GSD(ML) file (General Station Description) in XML format. The file is used by a development environment as the basis for communication between a Profinet IO system.

Neue Stahlguss- und Edelstahlventile in KFM-Design

Cast steel and stainless steel valves in KFM design for applications up to 450 °C.


It is generally known that controls can also take on regulation tasks. The reverse has been less popular until now, even though this often offers significant advantages. Lately, however, the trend is increasingly away from a PLC in a dominant and all-encompassing role and more towards distributed intelligence.

The new industrial controller- series KFM 903.. combines the illustration facilities and advantages of modern TFT displays with the high reliability of proven industrial hardware in a perfect way.